September 07, 2011

HTML Characters Codes


GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
Euro Symbol€€
®Registered Trademark®®
Trademark Sign (TM)™-
@At Symbol-@
En Dash–&#150
Em Dash——
¬Not Sign¬¬
Single Left Pointing Angle‹-
Single Right Pointing Angle›-
«Double Left Pointing Angle««
»Double Right Pointing Angle»»
Left Arrow←-
Upward Arrow↑-
Right Arrow→-
Downward Arrow↓-
Black Spade Suit (Not available in Firefox)♠-
Black Clubs Suit (Not available in Firefox)♣-
Black Hearts Suit (Not available in Firefox)♥-
Black Diamond Suit (Not available in Firefox)♦-


GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
`Grave Accent-`
´Acute Accent´´
¯Macron Accent¯¯
·Middle Dot··
ºMasculine Ordinalºº
ªFeminine Ordinalªª

Letter A Accents

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
ÀUppercase A - Grave AccentÀÀ
àLowercase A - Grave Accentàà
ÁUppercase A - Acute AccentÁÁ
áLowercase A - Acute Accentáá
ÂUppercase A - Circumflex AccentÂÂ
âLowercase A - Circumflex Accentââ
ÃUppercase A - TildeÃÃ
ãLowercase A - Tildeãã
ÄUppercase A - UmlautÄÄ
äLowercase A - Umlautää
ÅUppercase A - RingÅÅ
åLowercase A - Ringåå

Letter E Accents

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
ÈUppercase E - Grave AccentÈÈ
èLowercase E - Grave Accentèè
ÉUppercase E - Acute AccentÉÉ
éLowercase E - Acute Accentéé
ÊUppercase E - Circumflex AccentÊÊ
êLowercase E - Circumflex Accentêê
ËUppercase E - UmlautËË
ëLowercase E - Umlautëë

Letter I Accents

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
ÌUppercase I - Grave AccentÌÌ
ìLowercase I - Grave Accentìì
ÍUppercase I - Acute AccentÍÍ
íLowercase I - Acute Accentíí
ÎUppercase I - Circumflex AccentÎÎ
îLowercase I - Circumflex Accentîî
ÏUppercase I - UmlautÏÏ
ïLowercase I - Umlautïï

Letter O Accents

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
ÒUppercase O - Grave AccentÒÒ
òLowercase O - Grave Accentòò
ÓUppercase O - Acute AccentÓÓ
óLowercase O - Acute Accentóó
ÔUppercase O - Circumflex AccentÔÔ
ôLowercase O - Circumflex Accentôô
ÕUppercase O - TildeÕÕ
õLowercase O - Tildeõõ
ÖUppercase O - UmlautÖÖ
öLowercase O - Umlautöö

Letter U Accents

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
Ugrave;Uppercase U - Grave AccentÙÙ
ùLowercase U - Grave Accentùù
ÚUppercase U - Acute AccentÚÚ
úLowercase U - Acute Accentúú
ÛUppercase U - Circumflex AccentÛÛ
ûLowercase U - Circumflex Accentûû
ÜUppercase U - UmlautÜÜ
üLowercase U - Umlautüü

Additional Accents

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
ÆUppercase AEÆÆ
æLowercase AEææ
ÇUppercase C - CedillaÇÇ
çLowercase C - Cedillaçç
ÑUppercase N - TildeÑÑ
ñLowercase N - Tildeññ
ÝUppercase Y - Acute AccentÝÝ
ýLowercase Y - Acute Accentýý
ÿLowercase Y - Umlautÿÿ
ÐUppercase Eth - IcelandicÐÐ
ðLowercase Eth - Icelandicðð
ÞUppercase Thorn - IcelandicÞÞ
þLowercase Thorn - Icelandicþþ
ßLowercase Sharps - Germanßß

Quotes and Punctuation

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
!Exclamation Mark-!
¡Inverted Exclamation¡¡
?Question Mark-?
¿Inverted Question Mark¿¿
Double Dagger‡
Per Mill Sign‰-
¹Superscript 1¹¹
²Superscript 3²²
³Superscript 3³³
¼One-Fourth Fraction¼¼
½One-Half Fraction½½
¾Three-Fourths Fraction¾¾
Overline (Overscore)‾-
_Horizontal Bar (Underscore)-_
Left Single Quote‘-
Right Single Quote’-
Left Double Quote;“-
Right Double Quote”-
Single Low-9 Quote‚-
Double Low-9 Quote„-
"Double Quotation Mark""

Slashes and Brackets

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
(Left Parenthesis-(
)Right Parenthesis-)
[Left Square Bracket-[
]Right Square Bracket-]
{Left Curly Brace-{
}Right Curly Brace-}
|Vertical Bar-|
¦Broken Vertical Bar¦¦

Money and Math Symbols

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
%Percent Sign-%
#Number Sign-#
Euro Sign€€
$Dollar Sign-$
¢Cent Sign¢¢
¥Yen Sig¥¥
£Pound Sterling££
¤General Currency Sign¤¤
+Plus Sign-+
×Multiplication Sign××
÷Division Sign÷÷
=Equals Sign-=
±Plus or Minus±±
<Less Than Sign&lt;&#60;
>Greater Than Sign&gt;&#62;
µMicro Sign&micro;&#181;
°Degree Sign&deg;&#176;
§Section Sign&sect;&#167;
ØUppercase O - Slash&Oslash;&#216;
øLowercase O - Slash&oslash;&#248;

Uppercase Letters

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
AUppercase A-&#65;
BUppercase B-&#66;
CUppercase C-&#67;
DUppercase D-&#68;
EUppercase E-&#69;
FUppercase F-&#70;
GUppercase G-&#71;
HUppercase H-&#72;
IUppercase I-&#73;
JUppercase J-&#74;
KUppercase K-&#75;
LUppercase L-&#76;
MUppercase M-&#77;
NUppercase N-&#78;
OUppercase O-&#79;
PUppercase P-&#80;
QUppercase Q-&#81;
RUppercase R-&#82;
SUppercase S-&#83;
TUppercase T-&#84;
UUppercase U-&#85;
VUppercase V-&#86;
WUppercase W-&#87;
XUppercase X-&#88;
YUppercase Y-&#89;
ZUppercase Z-&#90;

Lowercase Letters

GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
aLowercase A-&#97;
bLowercase B-&#98;
cLowercase C-&#99;
dLowercase D-&#100;
eLowercase E-&#101;
fLowercase F-&#102;
gLowercase G-&#103;
hLowercase H-&#104;
iLowercase I-&#105;
jLowercase J-&#106;
kLowercase K-&#107;
lLowercase L-&#108;
mLowercase M-&#109;
nLowercase N-&#110;
oLowercase O-&#111;
pLowercase P-&#112;
qLowercase Q-&#113;
rLowercase R-&#114;
sLowercase S-&#115;
tLowercase T-&#116;
uLowercase U-&#117;
vLowercase V-&#118;
wLowercase W-&#119;
xLowercase X-&#120;
yLowercase Y-&#121;
zLowercase Z-&#122;


GlyphDescriptionName CodeNumber Code
1Number 1-&#49;
2Number 2-&#50;
3Number 3-&#51;
4Number 4-&#52;
5Number 5-&#53;
6Number 6-&#54;
7Number 7-&#55;
8Number 8-&#56;
9Number 9-&#57;

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